Sunday 28 September 2014


 All Progressive Congress national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, Governor Liyel Imoke of Cross Rivers State and other eminent Nigerians have extolled the virtues of Bishop David Oyedepo of the  Living Faith Church Worldwide who clocked 60 years yesterday.

Asiwaju Tinubu in his tribute message described him as an exceptional Nigerian whose love for the society has rightly earned him a coveted seat in the highest echelons of the select group of the honoured and the blessed. “I have a special affinity and admiration for men who passionately pursue the selfless path of service and the highest respects for men who pursue that path in the areas of social engineering and religious organization.  I have no reluctance, therefore, to declare that, you, Bishop David Oyedepo has earned my full respects and my deep admiration.
“The Bishop has filled his 60 years with extraordinary feats of achievements.  You have established enduring institutions in a nation where important institutions have decayed and touched lives in a society, where the masses are in dire need of salvation from ills, succour from poverty and sagely guidance from pervasive errors.
“In establishing the Covenant University, Bishop Oyedepo’s position as a visionary social engineer was sealed. The Bishop is succeeding where most governments have failed; he deserves our applause.” Asiwaju Tinubu’s message read in part.

Governor Liyel Imoke described him as a man who is truly blessed and has used his gifts to impact meaningfully on the society. He noted that it is a privilege to have been mentored by the Bishop, adding, "Bishop David Oyedepo, who we call Daddy, is truly a great man of God, with great inspiration to many generations. As we celebrate his 60th birthday, we thank God for the privilege of this great person, a great Nigerian and a great man of God. He is a man who is truly blessed and has used his gifts to impact so meaningfully on society. A man whose message to the world is one which is not only about faith and belief in the Almighty God but a message that truly uses the religion, the church and the Bible to affect humanity and the lived of our people positively. This great servant of God whose mission is continuing to grow across the world is one we all learn from  in many different ways. We have seen his mission in education, humanitarian work and, of course, the church and its impact. He is a man of integrity whose commitment, zeal and determination to change society for good will indeed go down in the annals of this great nation and the world. My wife, Obioma and I thank God for the privilege of knowing him and being part of his family."

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