The marriage between former Lagos State Commissioner for Housing, Architect Lanre Towry Coker and his wife, Bisi, has crashed. The union lasted 30 years and produced three children. The couple’s first daughter, who got married in London in 2007, is said to have been the worst hit by the divorce, having made several failed attempts to mend the cracks in her parents’ marriage along with her brothers. Before they finally parted ways, Lanre and Bisi had started bickering over the ownership of their home on Ilabere Close, Ikoyi, Lagos. Bisi insisted she was taking over the property because she owned the land on which it was erected, while Towry-Coker said he financed its building. Eventually. Bisi, the daughter of industrialist and lawyer, Chief Chris Ogunbanjo, was allowed to keep the property.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
The marriage between former Lagos State Commissioner for Housing, Architect Lanre Towry Coker and his wife, Bisi, has crashed. The union lasted 30 years and produced three children. The couple’s first daughter, who got married in London in 2007, is said to have been the worst hit by the divorce, having made several failed attempts to mend the cracks in her parents’ marriage along with her brothers. Before they finally parted ways, Lanre and Bisi had started bickering over the ownership of their home on Ilabere Close, Ikoyi, Lagos. Bisi insisted she was taking over the property because she owned the land on which it was erected, while Towry-Coker said he financed its building. Eventually. Bisi, the daughter of industrialist and lawyer, Chief Chris Ogunbanjo, was allowed to keep the property.
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