Wednesday 25 June 2014


When the Ekiti state gubernatorial elections results started trickling in, with indication that Fayose was gaining an upper hand, discerning minds waved it  away as Initial ‘gra gra’.  The question on their lips was how a guy we all know too well could will be the choice of a people who pride their state as the fountain of knowledge.

We were then reminded that Fayose had earlier distributed rice to Ekiti people and that could be a factor in the final analysis. Again, we said no way! Ekiti people were too sophisticated for that, considering how well educated the average Ekiti man is. Did we over rate the Ekiti mindset, or is it a case of living in past glory? We pondered. In the early hours of Sunday June 21, our worst fear was confirmed; Ayodele Fayose would be the next governor of Ekiti State. We open our mouth in awe, what has happened? Especially after we were told there was a large turnout and the elections were free and relatively fair. The Ekiti people have spoken and Fayose is the next governor.

I went to town to deconstruct what has happened in Ekiti by asking salient questions from some of my friends from Ekiti. In a bid to strike a balance I spoke with those who are happy with turn of events in Ekiti and those who felt a sacrilege has been committed. These were passionate Ekiti people.

Those who felt Fayemi got what he deserved accused him of disconnecting from his people he was too elitist, by trying to replicate Lagos in Ekiti some of his sins include

Converting a local market to modern market and therefore taking it out the reach of the ordinary market woman.
Re evaluation of staff in the state teaching service
Ban on commercial motorbikes popularly known as Okada
His disposition,  he is not a grassroots person
Doing nothing to address the grinding poverty in Ekiti.
Awarding contracts to non Ekiti people.
Nobody mentioned corruption. Was Fayemi that clean, that his antagonists did not mention corruption? Or is it that corruption has become a non issue in Nigeria?

It was now the turn of those who felt gutted with what happened in Ekiti, they were almost speechless as they just mumbled as if in trance that Ekiti people have simply thrown their destinies to the wind.

Both sides seem to have valid arguments but I will want to analyse from the point of view of a neutral.

Of all the reasons for Fayemi’s defeat at the polls, the one I felt most ridiculous is the on the re evaluation of primary and secondary school teachers. My surprise stem from the fact that standard of education in this country has been on a free fall, and all measures to address must be addressed. Often talk of half baked graduates, has any one taken time to look at the quality of teachers? Sometimes ago in Edo state, it was on national television, a teacher who could not read. So instead of vilifying Fayemi, he should be applauded. The sure result of a half baked teacher, is simply churn out products that are clearly below accepted standards. I have come across University graduates who cannot read a primary school story book or thread a comprehensible sentence.

Another sickening allegation was that he has not been able to address the poverty in the state. Poverty is not limited to Ekiti sate and a state who virtually depends on federal allocation for sustenance, can do little or nothing to address the grinding poverty in the state, particularly with the endemic corruption that has stunted our growth as a country.

On the award of contracts to non Ekiti people, my gut feeling tells me that he wanted the best hands to handle Ekiti projects and this group of people he could not find in Ekiti. Another argument is that these contracts were being awarded to a certain godfather based in Lagos. This is neither here nor there.  Were these contracts carried out to speck?

Perhaps Fayemi was too much in a hurry to transform Ekiti to a modern state, little did he reckon that a baby  often times need to crawl before he can walk, the ordinary people could not keep pace with him, he was miles ahead, they simply ambushed him at the polls and kicked him out.

Whether the governor elect will  succeed where his predecessor failed is left to be seen.  Based on the antecedents of Fayose, I hope the Ekiti people have not shot themselves in the foot. The only consolation is that Fayose might have a ‘Saulian’ transformation and exceed our expectations by not behaving to type.  This is an opportunity he must grab to erode the perception most of us have about him, by simply doing the right things.  Ayo you must not put Ekiti people to shame, they have placed a great burden on your shoulders and don’t have a choice than to deliver.

Fayemi conceding defeat immediately the results were released give us a glimmer of hope, this shows he is a thoroughbred gentleman  who understands that political office is never a  or die affair, I doff my heart sir, you are a true democrat.  We pray this show of sportsmanship will continue to be a reference point in our quest for genuine democracy. Need I mention here that Kayode Fayemi is a UN Security Consultant; he will simply dust his books and return to consultancy. Little wonder he does not belong the do or die breed of politicians in Nigeria, whose only profession is politics.

As for Ayo Fayose, I will once again congratulate you, your emergence as governor, could just be an indication of God’s love for you and therefore an opportunity to right the wrongs of the past by giving Ekiti  the good governance they deserve. Please don’t mismanage this golden opportunity.

On a final note,  I guess it will be safe to compare what happened in Ekiti to what happened in the Bible, when the  Jews would rather have a thief released to them rather than Jesus Christ, because they felt there was a disconnect between them and Fayemi. Fayemi conceding defeat barely 24 hours after the election is playing the part of Pontius Pilate who washed his hands, when the Jews insisted on Christ being crucified instead of a thief. The Ekiti people have spoken and this should be respected, no matter on which side of the divide you belong.

Long Live the people of Ekiti, Long Live  Kayode Fayemi and Long live Ayodele Fayose and we pray that God imbue with the wisdom of Solomon to take Ekiti to greater heights.

By Kess Aidokha Asekome

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