Monday 17 November 2014


Senator Andy Uba and his brother, Chris Uba

It was jubilation galore at the Ekwulobia Township Stadium Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State last week end as more than 5000 people from the seven local government areas of Anambra-South Senatorial District thronged the foot-ball pitch to receive various items from the senator representing the zone at the national assembly for the purpose of self-empowerment and self-sustenance . Men, women and children unanimously passed a vote of confidence on Sen.Andy Uba whom they all concurred has provided quality as well as result-oriented representation to the people of Anambra-South senatorial zone at the National Assembly 

The empowerment programme which is said to be a presidential rally devoid of political undertone had in attendance timber and calibre in the nation’s politics and economic sector respectively .While various musical groups thrilled the mammoth crowd with solidarity songs in honour of Sen.Andy Uba , display of the items worth millions of naira ranging from refrigerators, sewing machines , grinding machines , genetators , hair’dryers , motorcycles and a host of others , for public glare also added glamour to the occasion.

The feelings of some of the dignitaries and beneficiaries at the occasion was caught. Mrs.Nkiruka Abada Okori aged 46, who hails from Ndikelionwu in Orumba-North Local Government Area , could not conceal her emotions over the kind gesture extended to the rural poor in the constituency by Sen.Andy Uba .Mrs. Okori explained that the empowerment programme was timely as she noted that some of the beneficiaries got cars, tricycles as well as many other gifts and they all pledged their support for the senator if he declares to run for a second term in office .She however pointed out that Anambra-South senatorial zone was currently grappling with ecological problems noting that in Ndikelionwu community of Orumba-North LGA , there are no rural roads and electricity but appealed to Sen.Andy Uba to prevail on the government to provide access roads and electricity in Ndikelionwu to enable the rural populace have a feel of government presence in the area .

Another beneficiary of Sen.Andy Uba’s empowerment programme Mrs.Bridget Udoye aged 48 , a native of Nanka community in Orumba-North also expressed profound gratitude to the senator for donating the empowerment items but also made a passionate appeal that the representative should equally prevail on government to pay special attention to the widows and indigent women in the rural communities as they were being short-changed in the scheme of things.Mrs.Udoye also drew the attention of relevant authorities to the Nanka-Ekwulobia road noting that erosion and flood have combined forces to unleach untold hardship on the people in the area .

For his part , Mr.Alfred Ejiofor aged 50 who hails from Nanka in Orumba-North council area said they were elated about the empowerment programme as the senator deem it most poignant to give back to his constituents .Mr.Ejiofor further lent credence to the fact that some people got vehicles, tricycles, and a host other items emphasizing that people from the seven local government areas that comprise the senatorial zone all collected gifts from Sen.Andy Uba for having stood by him all through his travails .He maintained that the empowerment programme was a welcome development as some people have gone to the senate to represent Anambra-South before Sen.Andy Uba but never came back to empower the people.He was also of the opinion that the zone was plagued by ecological problems ranging from flood and erosion manace at Oko , Nanka , Awgbu areas stressing that village roads were nothing to write home about but expressed optimism that Sen.Andy Uba will tackle ecological problems in the zone if he goes for a second term as he assured the people on the occasion that he had already championed some bills in the senate geared towards addressing environmental challenges in Anambra-South senatorial district.

Also an aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party Mrs.Uju Benedict Osude who seeks to represent Aguata Federal Constituency if elected , noted that Sen.Andy Uba organized the empowerment programme as a veritable platform to express his profund appreciation to the people of Anambra-South for casting their votes for him . Mrs.Osude however pointed out that the empwerment programme was not a political rally but a family get-together to assist the less-priviledge and down-trodden in the senatorial zone .

Meanwhile Barr.Unachukwu Steve who currently aspires to have a seat in the Anambra State House of Assembly to represent Aguata Constituency 1 on the platform of the PDP said the programme was to appreciate the people of Anambra-South senatorial zone for their unalloyed support and steadfastness .Barr.Unachukwu said that the Sen.Andy Uba has empowered the people to go and fend for themselves and their respective families noting that the senator representing the zone has continued to impact positively on the lives of the people of Anambra-South senatorial district.

While addressing the crowd apparently overwhelmed with joy and jubilation over the unprecedented show of generosity and benevolence by him , Sen.Andy Uba who currently represents Anambra-South senatorial zone at the national assembly reeled out some of his life-improving constituency projects and programmes and equally assured the people of Anambra-South that more dividends of democracy and quality representation will come their way .

Source: 274UREPORTS

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