Friday 20 June 2014


-How She Was Picked Up Hours Before She Could Escape Abroad

A female gubernatorial aspirant in the last elections in Anambra state simply named Adaora is said to be in troubled waters right now as she struggles to explain how she managed to swindle 4 top Nigerians including a serving influential senator from the east.
According to dependable sources which include lawyers who participated in her arrest, the lady had swindled 4 top Nigerians by telling them she could help them buy properties in the city.
Because she lived a larger than life lifestyle, and because they all knew her as a politician they were taken in by her attitude and had lost one billion one million Naira to her. Obviously she knew she was on the wanted list and she had planned her escape to Dubai. She was said to have abandoned six different homes in the city and moved to a village located close to the airport where she rented a room for the night. After various efforts to get her had failed security agenst were said to have found a way to trail her cell phone to the village and she was picked up around 1.00am penultimate Monday. She was said to have burst into tears when the security agents introduced themselves. Apart from pleading for mercy so that’s eh could travel abroad, she offered the lawyers the original documents of one her properties located in Maitama which she claimed would take care of their client’s loss to her. But the lawyer as well as the security agents refused claiming that what was at stake was more than what a property would offset. She is presently cooling her heels with police detectives as the swindled top shots have directed that they should ensure that she refund the money as they were not interested in prosecution. 

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